



成立亞瑟王,是一個快樂的選擇,但我們堅持選擇我們認為對的事物,因為那是 種责任更是教夸者應有的基本態度。多年的耕耘裡受到許多家長的支持與肯定,在縣政府的幼教評鑑中,更多次獲得績優及甲等的亮麗表現,因此,也鼓勵我需更加努力。


我們期待著,每一個走出亞瑟王的孩子,是那麽的有自信且令人刮目相看,也讓每一位信任亞瑟王的家長,從把孩子交給我們的那一刻開始,絕對放心。 因此,親愛的爸爸媽媽,讓我們一起「合夥」,不是生意,而是教育。

To me, education is not just a business, but a lifelong mission with dedicated devotion to nurture our next generation. Over 10 years at Arthur King (A.K.S.), I watched each child growing up, day by day, knowing that in no time, they will become young adults taking over our social roles. It would be my responsibility to offer the best I could to prepare them for their real life challenges ahead.

Founding Arthur King was a happy choice for me. In 2002, we were granted " best education" award by Shin-Tsu county municipality. Our effort was recognized, and we have our pride to keep. We will continue to operate with our principles that made us successful, we will not stop to advance in teaching techniques to our children.

Education for our children now is a love to pass onto the next generation. Arthur King School will give them the best opportunity for their future life. At Arthur King your child is my child.


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